Saturday, November 29, 2008

"We're a generation of men..."


"... raised by women.

I'm wondering if another woman
is really the answer we need."

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving's Ways Not To Die

"I look delicious!"
Have a happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I would rather be...

... committing some kind of Federal crime
so I could be taken down by Brandon Routh.

(via, that's Superman lookin' fine on the set
of his next movie called Unthinkable)

Hancock In 150 Words Or Less

I forgot that I'd even watched this movie last night until one o'clock this afternoon.

And then when I did remember that I'd watched this movie last night, I wished I hadn't. Remembered it, that is. Or watched it. Or been born. Whatevs.

Oh but to have Hancock's deus ex machina angel-amnesia!

And Charlize? No, honey. No. Put down the apple-bong when you're reading your scripts please! (And did I call it or did I call it?)

Lee Pace Six Times


Number Seven Of Thirteen


Tonight ABC does indeed appear to be airing a new episode of Pushing Daisies... they are supposed to air all the episodes that remain and so far they seem to be keeping to their promise. If things start shifting and they start messing with us (further) I might have to break out my kung-fu grip and get nasty on some executive asses.

But for now, new Pushing Daisies tonight! Maybe if the ratings fly though the roof all of a sudden they will take back that horrible thing they said and did last week? Sigh.

8pm, on ABC y'all. Be there or fuck you.

I Am Link

--- The Sexiest Wolverine Alive - io9 gives us the cover of the new issue of Empire magazine with a new beefcake-y shot of The Hirsute One himself. Seen there to the left. Rowr.

--- Lest We Forget that Disney can do effed up with the best of 'em, Cracked runs down The 7 Most Terrifying Disney Movie Deaths. I never gave a lot of thought to Ursula being impaled by that ship's bow, but yeah, that's some nasty business for a kid's movie, innit? And that's only #7!

--- What To Watch if you're feeling like breaking the law - Masters In Criminal Justice runs through the Top 100 Crime Films of All-Time.

--- Meanwhile, The Vault of Horror gives us the Top 50 Horror Films of All-Time as voted by a slew of my horror-blogging buddies. The list is life. Or, in this case I guess, death? Yeah.

--- See The Right One In - Strange Ink reviews Let the Right One In, a film I can't stop thinking about. It's a vampire-palooza these days! (via Sean)

--- And finally, there's a nice long chat with Mr. Bruce Campbell up at AICN today. Hi Bruce!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Quote of the Day

From Defamer's two-person chat-like review of Gus Van Sant's Milk:

"It's a very pretty, warm movie. It makes you want to be there, suffering prejudice and getting assassinated."

Jake Acts The Fool

I seem to have brain-freeze today... just sorta blankly staring at the computer screen, not thinking up much. I do believe I'm already approaching shut-down in anticipation of the rest of this week... speaking of, post-tomorrow posting will be sloooooow if not non-existent through Monday. My brains need a rest!

Anyway, in lieu of thinking thoughts here are a bunch of pictures I've not seen before of MNPP's unofficial man-mascot Jake Gyllenhaal offering up a real blitzkrieg of spazz some time ago on the now-deceased Total Request Live (via IHJM):


Three Pictures Of Michael Trucco


(via) Did you know that it is 52 days until Battlestar Galactica comes back for its final run of episodes? Well it is! Sigh. Final run of episodes. That phrase is sadness. But still, a bittersweet excitement exists. Answers, wonderful answers. And more Mr. Trucco of course. Mmmm Sam.

Stay Away From Her, You Bitch

I only found out yesterday that Olive Snook aka Kristin Chenoweth is in Reese's latest cinematic effrontery Four Christmases, and it made me a little sad.

First my beloved Pushing Daisies, where I found and nurtured an unhealthy amount of Cheno-love, got shit-canned, and now she's gotta play like twelfth fiddle to that man-abducting harridan?


ETA And now I see my lover Sissy Spacek's name in the credits too! Urgh! My insides are liquefying as I type.

Gratuitous Gaspard


Have I still never seen Hannibal Rising? Really? I mean I know the sound of suckage that's attached to it, but still, I ought to find the time. All the sexy cannibals on the loose put yer hands up, woo! Ahem. Shame me once, shame on me! Or something. Today is the actor Gaspard Ulliel's birthday. He got to play the young Hannibal Lecter in Hannibal Rising, see? Which I have not seen, see? See, it all comes together.

The only thing I have seen Mr. Ulliel in then is Gus Van Sant's "Le Marais" segment of Paris, je t'aime and I do not recall Gus Van Sant's segment of Paris, je t'aime so really for all current intents and purposes I have not really seen him in anything. Still this morning I saw it was Mr. Ulliel's birthday and I remembered that I used to think he was weird looking and not my type but then I went looking for pictures of him anyway - because hi I am me - and I found that top picture along with these two pictures from a recent event:

And I decided that he has aged nicely - the slicked back hair thing is definitely working in his favor - and I now think he is attractive. So he gets a birthday gratuitous post. Happy birthday, you!


Monday, November 24, 2008

A Pair Of Turkeys Films Coinciding With The Thanksgiving Holiday


In just two days (even less if we want to be a stickler about hours and shit), two of the movies that I'm most looking forward to of this winter season will be upon us: Baz Luhrmann's Australia and Gus Van Sant's Milk. Hooray for serious-minded awards-baiting single-worded titles!

I'm trying to figure out my week's schedule just now - it's looking damned crowded between now and stuffing my face-hole with mashed potatoes - and trying to figure out when I will get around to seeing these movies.

Which got me wondering: what is y'all's plans with regards to seeing 'em? Is one film a higher priority than the other? Or would you rather have boiling hot water poured into your eye sockets like a sad-faced Indian street-urchin than watch either/both of them?

I think I'm leaning towards a higher priority for Milk right this second, if only because the boyfriend commands it so (he no likey Baz). Ooh and this offers the excuse to post this pic of Jimmy Franco that I'd been looking for:

But I will find time for Hugh Jackman's hot bod too,
before the week is through, of that have no doubt!

And then, if I find a couple more hours to spare...

What can I say? I'm easy,
and Jason Statham is hot. So hot.

The Moment I Fell For... Rosario Dawson


A pair of factors have this performance on my brain today. First, if you head over to Final Girl you can vote for the next pick for the Film Club and it is between all of Grind House or the 1976 figure skating shocker Schizo. Grind House is winning as of this moment and I hope it stays that way - not only do I look forward to hearing Stacie's virgin take on the films (especially Tarantino's Death Proof, which y'all should already know I adore with every fiber o' my being) but I'd love the chance to yap about the movies some more.

And secondly, I am thinking about Rosario's winning turn in Death Proof because the final piece of the puzzle in my love affair with her has finally snapped into place - she was in a dream I had last night. Only she and I could see and read the alien writing that suddenly appeared written on the night skies! We bumped into each other, thankful to have found a kindred star-reading spirit, and became fast friends. And then this giant spaceship bounced off of a bunch of planets like in a pinball machine and it got weird. But where once I found Dawson annoying - and don't ask me why, I can't even remember what'd spoiled me to her in the past - now she's my dream-friend, just like Courteney Cox and Anne Heche before her. You find yourself in esteemed company, Miss Dawson!

Also, a little about why I chose this moment you see above: is there a moment more wildly intoxicating than this moment here where Rosario's Abernathy watches Zoe Bell first strap herself to that car hood and go tossing about like a mad-woman? This is before Stuntman Mike shows up and ruins the fun, mind you. Abernathy is the audience surrogate in this scene obviously - angry at her butch stunt-skilled friends for trying to exclude her in their thrill-seeking, wanting in on the fun, and then when it happens and we watch her initial fears melt away... well you're left with that fucking giant grin of Rosario's and if you aren't grinning too like a mad-person then I think you ought to throw in the towel.

Which Is Hotter?


Brad Pitt in lightness or in dark?


And The Award For...

... "JA is already sick of hearing people talk about this movie being so wonderful and genius and amazing and life-alteringly DNA-embeddingly awesome even before it's been released on more than 32 (!) screens" goes to:

I really don't want to rage out on this movie because I didn't by any means hate it, but having to listen to people (like a certain co-worker of mine who is currently totally enamored with it and won't shut up about it today... hence this post) go on and on about it being the bee's knees for the next couple of months... this shit is gonna wear on my nerves for real, I can tell already.

I love Danny Boyle I do, and I don't wanna be one of those people who comes off "I loved him before when he was making genre movies and y'all were turds then, nyah this new happy-shit is bunk!" but Slumdog is from my perspective really only mediocre and the praise heaped at him right now should've been heaped onto his last stab at a kids-in-dangerous-situtations family movie, Millions, which was way better and more consistent.

Slumdog has its moments, but overall... notsomuch. Ranking Boyle efforts, I think I'd even place the also-sloppy Sunshine over this one.

There is one thing I will forever be thankful to Slumdog for though (and I've been meaning to post this but keep forgetting): I saw Frances McDormand at the theater! She walked by when I was waiting in line! Joel Coen was right there beside her! And the crazy thing is this happened a week and a half ago whilst I was right smack dab in the middle of my Fargo binge. Somehow I refrained from screaming "Oh hun ya got Arby's on me!" Monumental effort, that took.

"You know... for kids!"


Sunday, November 23, 2008

"I'm coming for all of you!"

Have y'all watched the Canadian preview
for Battlestar Galactica's final half-season?



Hey There, Sexiest Man Alive



Saturday, November 22, 2008

"Yeah, everybody leaves... If they get the chance..."


"Weird Fishes / Arpeggi" is my favorite song off of Radiohead's most recent album In Rainbows - just ask my iPod, which has counted the number of times I've listened to it well into triple digits - so I was psyched to finally have the video for it show up. And it kicks ass! Radiohead outsourced all of their videos to entrepreneurial folks on the web, and here's the winner for "Weird Fishes / Arpeggi" (via):



The image at the top of this post is from the website for the artist who made the video. He's got loads of images from the shoot there.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Poster of the Day

I may not be wholly keen on JJ's upcoming Star Trek reinvisioniwhatsamagig, but that ain't gonna keep me from posting this new poster of Eric Bana as bad-guy Nero... (via):


Gratuitous Steve McQueen


Don't have any real reason for posting these pics beyond the fact that Steve McQueen was randomly on my mind yesterday. They are a reason unto themselves though, right? Enjoy.
