Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Number Seven Of Thirteen


Tonight ABC does indeed appear to be airing a new episode of Pushing Daisies... they are supposed to air all the episodes that remain and so far they seem to be keeping to their promise. If things start shifting and they start messing with us (further) I might have to break out my kung-fu grip and get nasty on some executive asses.

But for now, new Pushing Daisies tonight! Maybe if the ratings fly though the roof all of a sudden they will take back that horrible thing they said and did last week? Sigh.

8pm, on ABC y'all. Be there or fuck you.


John T said...

I am watching all of them live now, in case the TiVo doesn't count. And I will be there tonight.

J.D. said...

Ugh. :(