Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Quote of the Day


From JumpCuts, James Israel's blog at IndieWire, comes this quote from actor Paul Birchard, who spent a day on the set of The Dark Knight and witnessed Heath Ledger in action as the Joker:

"As regards to how Heath Ledger *seemed* as the Joker, he seemed like he WAS the Joker, and didn't need to let anyone know it - rather contained, but ready to explode at any moment in an unexpected fashion. Menacing, but more because he seemed like he was probably crazy, and maybe violent, rather than that he was TRYING to scare you. (and by the way, all he did during the scenes I was in was sit in his holding cell, reacting and, he's a very fine actor if I imbibed all this from just watching him sit there...) He didn't talk a lot between takes, but he also wasn't "Don't approach me!" in his manner - a real pro, in other words.

In short, he seemed just like the Joker SHOULD seem."

I am really rooting for Heath to knock this outta the park. He deserves nothing but our communal goodwill post-Brokeback.

(found via Cinematical)


Anonymous said...

That picture is incredible....serial killer Joker is amazing.

Jason Adams said...

I don't know how I'd forgotten to post that pic when it appeared earlier; it gives me goosebumps. Thing is, Maggie - even while being threatened - still kinda looks like she's gonna kick his ass. Heh. She's bad-ass!

Cherita said...

Nice to hear a report like this. I've given up trying to convince my Heath-obsessed friend that he will enjoy this movie (even teasing him with pictures of Christian Bale failed) but damn, I know I'm going to love it. Especially with Katie out and Mags in.