There are a load more shots of a shirtless, wet Hugh Jackman frolicking on the beach with his kids over at D-Listed, but this one, sans kids, is my fave:
That's a pose straight outta Top Model.
And can this Australia shoot go on forever? If he's not in Aussie fetish gear, he's half-naked on the beach. Back and forth, every day. This is how I like my Hugh fixes.
Does he ever not have his shirt off? Believe me, I'm not complaining, but he has kids...
Well I don't think his kids look at him like you or I are looking at him, sora, so it's probably not a big deal that their pops is running around on the beach shirtless with them.
Mind you, if I could do one of those body-switch things like in Freaky Friday and be one of his kids for a day then things could get very very weird indeed, but I would do it in a second.
uh... okaaayy... (so would i lol)
It's like my head explodes every time I see a picture of him shirtless. It really is. He's just so perfect.
Maybe this 'Australia' movie is just hugh jackman running around shirtless for 2 hours with occasional scenes spent in tight pants and safari hats
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