Hard to believe, but one of my all-time favorite musicians, Jeff Buckley, died 10 years ago today. He drown in Wolf River Harbor, just off the Mississippi River in Memphis, at the far-too-young age of 30. He only released one complete album while alive - the now-classic Grace.
You can download a live version of my favorite track, called "Lover, You Should've Come Over," right here.
There've been rumors of a movie about his life; it's been quiet lately from what I've heard, or not heard as this case may be, but be assured that whatever news comes out I'll surely keep posting on it.
And just cuz he was as pretty as he was talented, here are a few pics of Jeff.
His death was a terrible loss; one can only dream of what beautiful music he would've gone on to make. RIP, Jeff.
ETA and here's a live video of Jeff performing his best-known - and probably, in the years since his death, most over-exposed - song, a cover of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah":
You can download a live version of my favorite track, called "Lover, You Should've Come Over," right here.
There've been rumors of a movie about his life; it's been quiet lately from what I've heard, or not heard as this case may be, but be assured that whatever news comes out I'll surely keep posting on it.
And just cuz he was as pretty as he was talented, here are a few pics of Jeff.
His death was a terrible loss; one can only dream of what beautiful music he would've gone on to make. RIP, Jeff.
ETA and here's a live video of Jeff performing his best-known - and probably, in the years since his death, most over-exposed - song, a cover of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah":
Even if it's been watered down by being played in all sorts of things, it's still a haunting and lovely testament to Buckley's talent.
I'd never heard of him...but man.
^great video of him
...and it seems you already have a video. woops
but yeah....real pretty as well
I added the video late, rj, but not to worry - THERE WILL NEVER ENOUGH JEFF BUCKLEY TO GO AROUND. He died WAY too young. So sad.
I'm kind of in love with him now
Grace is in my top 5 albums of all-time, rj; MUST HAVE.
Who would you want to see play him in the movie? Everyone says he's a dead ringer for James Franco but...can he sing?
Dunno if Franco can sing but he is a really good choice, looks-wise - though Buckley was WAY hotter, IMO, but Franco's about as close as I can think of anyone looking.
In a former post on the topic, I posted about Jared Leto as having been mentioned (by Stale Popcorn's Glenn) as possible. But I've since totally given up on Leto, so I don't know.
I REALLY am not a fan of the Leto
I used to be obsessed with Leto... but the grossness he exudes finally defeated the original hotness he held about a year or so ago. It'd been chipped away at for a loooong time, and finally I was able to just tranfer all my celebrity worship to Jake Gyllenhaal. I owe Jake so much.
ben Whishaw would not be a bad choice..I believe he's playing Dylan in I'm Not There
If they fucking cast John Mayer...
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