Thursday, April 26, 2007

Nerd Alert!


It took me about 3.5 seconds, upon reading the title of this post at EW's Popwatch blog, to have run to Fandango to buy my tickets for Spider-Man 3 next weekend.

But I bought them! Yay! And I got tickets for the IMAX theater! Double yay! And it's at 10 in the morning! Um... yay? The next showing, at 1:30, was already sold out, though, so I guess it'll just be a very early morning of web-slinging acrobatics next weekend.

That day's also mine and the boyfriend's 6th anniversary. Will I risk never making it to 7 if I wear some version of this to the screening?

Anyone else bought their tickets yet? I'm excited! Even if I do feel as if I've seen the movie already.


about a boy said...

congratulations on the 6th anniversary!

i bought tickets to see 300 in imax. then the friend i was going with cancelled. now its no longer in the imax.

Jason Adams said...

I wanted to go back and see 300 in IMAX, but never got around to it.

Probably would've been... overwhelming... anyway, with Gerard Butler's ass the size of a house and all.