Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Greatest Movie...

... in which a zombie fights a shark?

Zombi 2 (1979)

Watch the video here.


Marius said...

Zombie + shark = very cool idea

Zombie + shark + Sarah Polly = BEST MOVIE EVER!

Jason Adams said...

Was there a shark in the Dawn of the Dead remake? I don't remember one. There should've been though. There should be a shark in every movie. Cuz shark = cool.

Marius said...

Oh, no, there wasn't a shark in Dawn of the Dead. I just love Sarah Polly and sharks. Therefore, any movie that has both would be awesome. Sarah's my favorite Canadian.

Jason Adams said...

Hmm, she's probably my fave Canuck as well. I'm trying tot hink of other Canadians and all I'm coming up with it like Mike Myers and Alanis Morissette, and no, I don't like either of them like I do Miss Polley, so she wins.