Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Keeping Up With The Josses

There's a big, spans-everything-he's-done interview with Joss Whedon over at CHUD (part one and part two). Good stuff, spoiler-free.

Interesting snippet regarding the possibility of a Spike-centric continuation:

"Q: You’ve talked about the very real possibility of Spike TV movie, of revisiting that character and that universe. Is it the case that you have some stories you still want to tell there, or is it just that you have the opportunity to revisit it, so you’ll go back.

Whedon: It’s got to be both. Ultimately if I didn’t think there were stories to tell about Spike – and I’ve gone back and forth about what I think that story is – but if you feel like there’s nothing to tell, you don’t do it to just… That’s like kissing a corpse. You’re not going to dig it up just so everybody can see that it’s smelly now. If you can’t keep it fresh, don’t do it.

Q: The ending of Angel was maybe the best series finale I have ever seen. That last shot was so great, but you leave yourself in this weird position because if you go back you’re going to have to explain how they got out of there alive.

Whedon: I appreciate that because people were like, ‘Why did you do a cliffhanger?!?!’ It’s not a cliffhanger! It’s a statement!! It does leave things open, there’s a lot to talk about, which is always good. A sense of closure with a sense of openture is the way I do this stuff.

Q: But practically speaking, if there is a Spike TV movie, how will you deal with that ending? Will you explain it, or will you just jump ahead a couple of years and show that he somehow made it?

I ain’t gonna say."

And the following made me a very excited boy:

"Q: This might be more fanwank, but in Fray you have that bit where you touch on what happened to all the magic and demons and that didn’t happen at the end of Buffy, which I sort of expected. Is that the kind of thing we should just forget about?

Whedon: No, that’s actually something I hope to deal with, either in the Spike format or in another series of Fray.

Q: Are there plans for another series?

Whedon: That’s just me talking. But yeah, there’s a discrepancy there that I plan to explain. I have a vision for it."

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