Over at Time, they've got an interview with both Joss Whedon and Neil Gaiman, discussing their respective works and they end up calling this Goth Month, what with the both of them having movies coming out on Friday (Gaiman's film is MirrorMask), Gaiman's book Anansi Boys having just come out, and Tim Burton's Corpse Bride hitting theaters.
Though... sure, there's a large portion of Goth-tinged Buffy fandom out there, but Serenity/Firefly are really not very goth-friendly at all. But I get what Time's getting at. Bust out your mascara wands, bitches!
I warned you that things would be getting a lil' bit Joss-heavy this week, anyway. I will surely post more when I find it. I (heart) Joss.
Though... sure, there's a large portion of Goth-tinged Buffy fandom out there, but Serenity/Firefly are really not very goth-friendly at all. But I get what Time's getting at. Bust out your mascara wands, bitches!
I warned you that things would be getting a lil' bit Joss-heavy this week, anyway. I will surely post more when I find it. I (heart) Joss.
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