Tuesday, January 28, 2025

KJ Apa Eight Times

I... have very little to say of substance right now. The world is very distracting! Thankfully KJ Apa grew out his chest hair and invited a photographer from Flaunt magazine over to document it so I don't need to say anything. Although a note of side-business -- I'm off for the rest of the week for virtual Sundancing (i.e. I'll be cramming as many movies into my eye-holes as is possibly over five days) so it will probably be pretty quiet round these parts. If and when more Sundance reviews start piling up at Pajiba (my first one went up earlier this afternoon) I'll try to link to them here but I might literally be too busy watching movies. I have a lot to watch! Dozens! So keep your eye on the Bluesky (I'm fully done with Twitter in case you missed that overdue news) or until I'm back proper-like Monday you'll have to make due with KJ (poor dears) after the jump...


Pierce said...

Damn! Archie really got hot!!

CorgyBorgy said...

He’s a trumpist scumbag.

Mirko said...

I approve the scruffy look

Anonymous said...

Apa was raised in a Christian family and has stated that he is a Christian. In April 2018, he publicly criticized Australian rugby player Israel Folau for claiming that it was God's plan to send gay people to Hell, describing Folau's comments as "disappointing".

VRCooper said...

I see he let his hair grow out the red as well---I almost didn't recognize him---

Anonymous said...

partial quote from the pilot