Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Each Man Kills The Thing He Loves

I have been so sidetracked with Tribeca I haven't had the chance to all-hands-on-deck everyone that yesterday was the day that Rainer Wener Fassbinder's final and gayest film Querelle hit the Criterion Collection! Yes, the one with the turned-out-to-be-controversial cover that seemed to be either love it or hate it (I actually fell somewhere down the middle myself -- I will always prefer any movie's original art, but given the fact that this movie's best original art is semi-pornographic I understand the change, and I don't loathe the new art.) If you haven't already pick up a copy right here. And if you've never seen Querelle before... my god, you're in for something. The movie is so dreamy and bizarre, languorous and sexy and hyponotically strange. It is a definite mood. A definitive gay text. It's a lot of things and you need to discover them all for yourselves ASAP! I've posted about this movie one billion times previously but I have been so busy with Tribeca I haven't been able to watch my copy of the new blu yet. But hopefully, once it calms down this weekend, I will make time for the magic, the wonder....


sissyinhwd said...

I think the cover looks as if Robert Zemeckis remade QUERELLE using the same technique as THE POLAR EXPRESS.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that brad guy dead?

KingRoper said...

That gif has been blown up on my laptop for so long I think it may be burnt into my screen.
I'm not mad about it.