Monday, May 06, 2024

Pic of the Day

That there is our first "look" at David Corenswet as Superman in James Gunn's upcoming film daringly titled Superman (I think that's where they have landed anyway) -- listen I want this to be good. I love Superman the character and I love David Corenswet. And I love the concept behind that image. Supes just a regular dude, putting one boot on before the other before saving the world. But that image looks like half-finished A.I. to me?  Nothing in it up to and including David's beautiful beautiful face has any weight whatsoever. I think maybe David sat in an actual chair in the costume and that much of the photo is real, although everything's been airbrushed to the point where none of it looks real anymore. And the entire background looks like a screensaver from 1997. And I promise you I am not trying to be Shitty Internet Guy here. I'm rooting for this. Fingers crossed. (click to embiggen) ETA and here is a new photo of David Corenswet at the gym getting that Superman build (via):


Anonymous said...

This is indeed Comic Book Guy-level of analysis. Of course the background isn’t real, and it’s not a frame from the film.

Jeffery said...

I would like to know who he married last year. Why this is a secret is a mystery to me.

Anonymous said...

He already had the square jaw, physique, and sweet nature to be Superman. Did he really need MORE muscle? At this point, the Christopher Reeve Superman would be considered scrawny.

Jason Adams said...

Anon -- I actually agree and personally think he's looking too big here. You're never gonna out-Cavill Henry Cavill -- I'd have preferred DC stayed at his regular level of gorgeous. But I AM KEEPING AN OPEN MIND and I certainly would not kick this version of David Corenswet out of my bed.

The Bad-Ass Penguin said...

I just hope he's doing this all naturally. It'd be a shame if his testicles shrunk to the size of raisins for a movie role. :(

Anonymous said...

The Shein/K-Mart version of Henry Cavill

Anonymous said...

@Jeffrey, he married some Catholic woman in New Orleans in a mixed ceremony; I would presume he's private about it in the same way some other people are private about it.

Personally, David was too tall and has the same problem some too tall guys have of putting on muscle mass (in the way Liam seems to have, but for whatever reason Chris doesn't of the Hemsworth clan) - and for my taste as a comic book fan, Henry was excessive, his body during Immortal would have more than sufficed especially since the director and cinematographer were still going to call for muscle padding under that MoS suit.

Allegedly, the photo is unretouched and was taken 'in-camera' on the set. Why Gunn showed to release that as the first promo still of the suit is beyond me, but I've never been a Gunn fan and while I like David, I'm not sadly expecting much from this movie.