Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Andrew Scott Six Times

Andy is looking anything but raggedy (listen, I told you I am tired, that's the extent of my cleverness today) in these looks for Emmy magazine (via)! So now that you've had some time (i.e. a weekend) have any of you watched any of Ripley on Netflix? I got a couple of comments on my previous post but since it was more about staring at Andrew's ass I don't blame anyone for being knocked dumb. But tell me your thoughts now, if you've watched it. And hit the jump for the rest of the pics...


squeezit said...

Only 4 eps in but the tone and cinematography are gorgeous. Although the story has been expanded a bit the series is IMHO delivering a delicious treatment and credit to the source material. I struggled a bit with the casting of Dickie (hard to get Jude Law out of my head!) but Flynn's treatment is much closer to the way the character was written. Dakota is wonderful and Andrew's subtleness brings a whole new level to Tom Ripley.

Jason Adams said...

Happy to hear all that, squeezit. I really loved it as well and have been disappointed by some of the reactions I've seen -- obviously changes were made, like Andrew Scott and Dickie and everybody being older than in the book, but the show doesn't ignore any of that, and I think the aging up works and makes it all sadder and more pathetic. I love that we have The Talented Mr Ripley AND this, two very different adaptations of one source that are their own totally different things that nevertheless both work for me.

squeezit said...

I'm mostly gob-smacked by the beautiful camera work and editing; the black and white treatment evokes 60s noir and Clement's treatment of Ripley in Plein Soleil although that film was in color.

Anonymous said...

Loved it, despite thinking Scott and Flynn were too old. I didn't care. It felt like Highsmith and it was gorgeous. Unlike some people, I thought Sumner was a perfect Freddie. Reptilian as fuck.

DP said...

Have to say Scott is too old to play Ripley, and I cannot get past that despite the overall look of the production being so sumptuous. Flynn has nowhere near the required charisma and grace for Greenleaf, and Freddie ... well, not sure what that was! Admittedly only one episode in, but I shan't be continuing.

Jason Adams said...

Your loss, DP. The theme of these people being too old (and charimsa-less) for what they are doing is a rich one the show mines beautifully. You'll always have the book -- a good adaptation should carve out new ideas.

Jake said...

The original Talented Mr.Ripley was so much better than this shit. Thus movie sucked balls in a bad way, an embarrassment!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous to look at and at times well-paced. But Dickie had no personality, Dickie and Tom had no discernible friendship (why would they spend all their time together? You never see them enjoying each other's company), and Dickie just getting over Tom dressing in his clothes made no sense because Dickie is such an underwritten character.

All that out of the way, I did enjoy it! But those first 3 episodes establishing that relationship had some writing problem.