Monday, March 25, 2024

Oh Mary & Abe

I realize that, even though the play got extended here in NYC several times, the audience of human beings on this earth that have gotten to see Cole Escola's hilarious play Oh Mary! imagining the deranged relationship between Mary Todd Lincoln (Escola) and her husband Abe (Conrad Ricamora) is minute. But I saw the damn thing and loved every over-the-top hilarious second of it, so I'm gonna post about it -- specifically a fun interview with Escola and Ricamora over at Queerty today, where the pair try on silly outfits at a local thrift shop and talk about their own queer histories. Of course after this play and his sexy turn in Andrew Ahn's gay rom-com Fire Island I'm nursing a big ol' crush on Ricamora so that doesn't exactly hurt either...


dubeats said...

Very lucky to have seen it while I was visiting NYC a few weeks ago. Laughed harder than ever at any show I've ever seen. Really. It's a total riot. Escola delivers a tour de force performance - at one point Ricamora had to turn his face away to not break. It was as adorable as he is himself. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Ricamora steals a lot of How to Get Away With Murder, which is no mean feat, and he was swoon-worthy in the musical Soft Power. A true multi-talent sex symbol.