Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Strange Way of Pedros

While I'm extremely happy I didn't see anybody describing Pedro Pascal as "brave" for playing gay in Pedro Almodovar's gay western short Strange Way of Life with Ethan Hawke -- since that knot of logic would've driven me off the deep end -- I also very much liked the short film, and so I will do another post on it here on the day that it's hitting both digital and DVD. Yes, DVD. I don't know why something still only get DVD releases -- it's very strange to me, but it still happens. And a lot of the time it's with gay movies -- what a coincidence. Anyway you can buy it either way at this link. It's probably too short by about an hour (it absolutely feels truncated) but what's there I did find very lovely -- like a short story it reaches a single idea and it expresses that idea with a surprising tenderness. 


Anonymous said...

Brave because he actually is gay? I’m confused.

bdog said...

Where's the pic from? I want the pants.