Thursday, December 21, 2023

Quote of the Day

I don't know how I've never seen this old photo of Russell Tovey before, but I am now living for this picture and this picture alone. Amazing. Anyway our favorite pair of ears gave a new interview to W Magazine this week that's about his new art documentary but they get into his gay awakenings and it made me realize me and Russ are pretty close in age because we had basically the exact same ones! 

"I saw a movie called Beautiful Thing when I was 15. I was living at home with my parents and it was on Channel 4. It was about two young lads on a housing estate who fell in love. I was watching it, my mom was upstairs and told me to go to bed, and I turned the TV off. She went to bed and I put it back on mute and I was like, “That's me. That's who I am.” It made such a difference. 

Then when Queer as Folk came on in the UK, it terrified me. I remember the first episode, there was a rimming scene. I was like, “What the fuck is going on?” I had no idea what that was. It was terrifying, but so “wow!” The show felt like a light shining. I'm going to look at that light. I'm going to head towards there because that seems like a safe ground and it's going to explain all the things that are going on in me."


VRCooper said...

I remember A Beautiful Thing. What a great movie for its time.

This proves that gay representation is needed in what we see around us. Helps us not feel alone. That we are weird. That we are out place. That we are less than. That we are...

I was watching an interview with out actor/dancer/singer Layton Williams of BBC's Strictly Dancing. Layton was paired with another male dancer, professional, Nikita Kuzman-straight. Layton was saying the show was not a breeze because of all the haters in his DMs. But he realized that his gay representation was important. He and Nikita made it all the way to the finals. Nikita said in an interview that Layton taught him a lot of the gay slang. Layton taught him or reinforced that it is okay to wear your feelings on your sleeve. The interview was funny as hell. Here you have two men, one straight and one gay dancing their hearts out for 14 weeks. Their relationship throughout the run was funny, accepting, and endearing. Nikita had no issues with being loving, and vulnerable with another man That's representation at its finest.

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That's when I started to move..................