Friday, November 17, 2023

Good Morning, World

Happy Saltburn Day, everybody! Emerald Fennell's dark queer comedy starring Barry Keoghan and Jacob Elordi is out in theaters today and my review should be out sometime too. I'm not sure if it's going up today or tomorrow actually -- I should probably finish it, haha. Sigh. No seriously, I have been working all week onn fine tuning it because I wanna get it right. But it'll drop soon-ish I promise. Until then go see this movie! Here's the trailer if you missed it. Spoiler alert -- we're great big fans. In case these weeks of endless jabbering about Barry and Jacob Elordi haven't made that clear. But you'll hear about that with my (eventual) review! Stay tuned...


bdog said...

Good lord

Jake said...

Good body but he needs a bag over that face!

dre said...

Stay classy, Jake.

Anonymous said...

The face of nightmares