Monday, September 18, 2023

Blue Fairies & Red Balloons

Time time time keeps bullet-training away... somehow it's time for Criterion Day again? I don't know. I have no concept of time anymore. What I do have a concept of is -- hooray for physical media! Criterion has just dropped the three titles they'll be releasing in December of this year, just in time to shove into your beloved's stocking. (Not a euphemism... or is it???) (Eww.) And at the top of the pile is Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio, which Netflix has deigned good enough to give the physical media treatment, thank goodness. And in 4K to boot! And you must look at the pop-out packaging:

Check at the disc specific's on Criterion's site -- it is stocked to the gills with extra content, as one expects from the premiere fancy place for film! This set hits on December 12th so yes, that's plenty of time to stuff them stockings. (Eww.) Next up...

... they're dropping a set of Albert Lamorisse's short films including the legendary The Red Ballon. The set also includes White Mane, Bim the Little Donkey, Stowaway in the Sky, and Circus Angel. And all of these have been restored, some in 4K, as well. I've only ever seen The Red Balloon -- have any of you seen any others? And I was about to say this was an incredibly kid friendly line-up for the holidays, but then I saw the third movie...

... a 1961 noir called Blast of Silence that they describe as "Swift, brutal, and blackhearted." So maybe not this one for junior. I've never heard of this movie before though -- any fans? The trailer (included at that link) makes it look like an incredibly stylish portrait of NYC at that moment in time. Anyway that's it for December -- this seems like a small batch so part of me is wondering if they'll drop news on a boxed-set later on?They do that sometimes and I feel like we're due a beautiful box-set from them this year still. The Pasolini one is a wonder but we usually get a couple, don't we? God I'm greedy. 

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