Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Au Revoir, Pee-wee

Been a busy week and now I've got to run off to do something sad slash celebratory -- the Alamo Drafthouse here in NYC is hosting a party / screening of Pee-wee's Big Adventure tonight to celebrate the delivery of a replica of Pee-wee's famous bike that they've had touring the country for the past few weeks. This all was scheduled and I bought my tickets before the godawful loss of Paul Reubens last week and what was going to be a fun night is now something I am lightly dreading. But how could I not go and raise a tumbler of tequila to one of the most important pop culture figures of my life? I will surely post about all of this on Instagram tonight so head on over there if you wanna keep track. If I get any good photos maybe I'll even share them here tomorrow. Have a good night tonight, loners and rebels!

1 comment:

par3182 said...

merci blah-blah, pee-wee