Thursday, July 27, 2023

Too High, High, Hush Hush, Eye To Eye

I kind of hate that they're using that as the promotional image for Talk To Me, A24's new horror flick which I saw -- and reviewed! -- at Sundance earlier this year. That image is such a blatant callback to the 2022 horror flick Smile, which I thought was crap, while Talk To Me is much better. But Smile was inexplicably a hit so I guess they feel the need to latch their horses to that vibe, even though A24 tends to know better. The image of the creepy hand prop that's on the film's posters is much more effective is you ask me. Which you did when you clicked here onto my site, duh. Anyway here also is the trailer if you missed it -- this is a totally solid creepfest! I think some of the praise I've seen the past couple of weeks has gone maaaaybe a whiff overboard, but it's not some Smile level bullshittery so I'll allow it. Ugh Smile. Now I am annoyed again.


bdog said...

I couldn't believe Smile caught on either. It Follows was so much better.

Steve K said...

I rarely watch trailers, but I stupidly did for Smile and that stupid trailer gives WAY too much away, including one of the best actual scares, grrrr. I went into Talk To Me (which I saw last night) knowing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about it, and bow howdy that's the way to do it.