Tuesday, April 11, 2023

TikTok To Me

This is one I ended up watching twice during Sundance this year because I liked it so much (here is my review) -- Talk To Me is a new horror flick and A24 picked it up for release in July and today, a trailer. It's about a young woman whose mother recently died who gets pulled into the cool new TikTok-ish party-game of her friends who are holding hands with a cursed hand that possesses them with a dead person for a minute. Which they then make viral videos out of.  It's a little bit of a drug-rush, it's a little bit Monkey's Paw and a little Ouija Board too, and it is a whole lotta freaky. Anyway shit goes wrong, as it inevitable always does -- imagine if it didn't? What if she held the hand, she got her high, and then she just went about living her life? Dare to dream, horror movie characters. Some day! For now... nope. Not the day.

Talk To Me is out on July 28th.

1 comment:

Laramie Dean said...

I just saw the trailer for this today - looks fuhREAKY.