Thursday, June 29, 2023

The Hottest Harrison Ford of All

This is a subject I have broached here at MNPP before, but with the new Indiana Jones movie out in theaters this weekend (more on that soon) I was gifted the chance to take this mighty important conversation onto a larger platform -- click over to Mashable to read my investigation on "What was Harrison Ford his hottest?" Very important stuff y'all!


Suppabuddho said...

I spent so much time watching that scene from Temple of Doom on a loop that I wore out my family's copy of the video cassette. Pure virility.

bdog said...

I'm partial to 70's era Ford, like The Conversation and American Graffiti

VRCooper said...

Mr. Ford is not exactly my type. But many times men may not be one's type but other things make up for it and looks fall down in the ranking. On the other hand, I have seen knock-out gorgeous men who are assholes in so many ways that the looks fade away.

I believe that Mr. Ford has gotten handsome with age. I hear he can be a bit temperamental. Who isn't at times? He has a great sense of humor. He can fly his own plane. Well, there have been a few bumps in the road with that. Mr. Ford speaks his mind and doesn't seem to take himself seriously.

I would love to have dinner with the man and a cuddle IF Calista-Ms. Ford would allow it.

Jake said...

Meh, pass

Mike Johnson said...

One million percent agree with your article. Never thought of it that way, but it's true and I have seen the movie hundreds of times.

Ford was always like Eastwood (except for "Bridges" of course). Ford never embraced his natural sexiness except in "Temple" and "Working Girl."

"Temple" remains in my top five movies of all time and a large part is due to the fact that Indiana Jones may be one of the biggest studs in movie history.