Monday, May 01, 2023

Josh Segarra Eleven Times

I'm really bad about asking for television screeners, and I'm currently very angry at myself that I didn't get around to doing that for the new season of The Other Two -- god I love that show! Y'all watch it right? It's back on HBO on Thursday -- here is the trailer for the new season. It's the first place I took notice of Josh Segarra here (photographed for Bello magazine) (ETA actually I am wrong about this -- I first took notice of him being all hot and hairy and half-naked in the movie Trainwreck in 2015! I had forgotten about this!) but eventually he was everywhere -- on She-Hulk! Taking his shirt off in Scream movies! Singing with Dolly f'ing Parton! And we're very happy about all of it. No matter what else he does he'll always be Lance from The Other Two to me, though -- a sexy lovable goofball. Even looking at this smile-less photo-shoot I expect him to start giggling at any moment, bless him. He's so endearing. Hit the jump for all the photos...


Ryan T. said...

Endearing and hot. So, so hot.

bdog said...

Jason. Why do I love you so much and disagree with you so much?
Maybe that's it.
The Other Two is like that Difficult People show. It's supposed to be so funny, but it's so not.
Rewatch Scream 12 and we'll talk.

creamycamper said...

I love his smile