Friday, May 05, 2023

Good Morning, I Quit Smoking 15 Years Ago Today

Well it's that time again -- every May 5th I celebrate two personal things (and no neither of them are Cinco de Mayo, but if you celebrate that a happy one to you). One -- it's my anniversary with my boyfriend. And two -- I quit smoking cigarettes on this day in the year 2008, and I have been doing this post here on this website for fifteen straight years ever since. All year long I set aside a folder of images I stumble upon of our favorite sexy actors smoking...

... be it in film, photoshoot, or personal life. I might be happy I quit, and I don't encourage any of you to pick up the habit... but gosh if it can't be sexy to look at all the same. I don't make the rules! Some things are just the way they are. So this morning let's hit the jump and roll around like animals in filth in the hot bad habit of it all...


Gian said...

Congratulations on all the great anniversaries!

Anonymous said...


Also, if you want to see more of Ivan Pellicer (literally), you should definitely check out Sagrada Familia (Holy Family) on Netflix. He plays gay on it and it has one of the most explicit rimming scenes I've ever seen (I'd say it rivals the Charlie Hunnam/Aidan Gillen "Queer as Folk" scene).

VRCooper said...

Continued success on you not smoking. I am sure that you feel better, the food tastes better, and the house/clothes smell FRESH.

Josh O'Oconner and Alex Secarghe-God's Own Country-Great, great movie-the story and the eye candy.

Back in the day smoking was classy. Hell, even doctors encouraged it.

I never acquired a taste for smoking or drinking. I am 66. My parents smoked-my mother more than my father. And my father was a functioning alcoholic.

Have a great weekend!!

Jeffery said...

To quit smoking is an exercise of will many people can not manage to do. You should mark the occasion.

Some one asked me about ten years after I had quit smoking if I missed it. My reply was only the first five years.

joel65913 said...

Congrats on being another year out from the smoking crutch!! While the smoking pix are sexy one of the grossest things in the world is cigarette breath.

Also kudos on your anniversary!!

bdog said...

One of the great smokers