Thursday, May 04, 2023

Expect To Be Moved By The Eight Mountains

I came really close to missing this one, but at the last minute I'm so glad that I popped my screener in (okay it was digital so nothing got "popped" but whatever) and watched Charlotte Vandermeersch and Felix van Groeningen's film The Eight Mountains this past weekend, because I definitely have my favorite movie of 2023 (so far) right here. Starring our beloved Luca Marinelli alongside Alessandro Borghi as best-friends-since-childhood...

... this movie spans decades and continents as easily as it does grand emotional vistas that mostly remain entirely bottled up -- it's glorious and I couldn't have loved it more, I tell you. Indeed click on over to Pajiba for my review, where I spend a thousand words or so doing just that. The Eight Mountains is playing in NYC right now and expanding to LA on Friday, and then slowly outward from there -- you can see all of the dates at this link. Absolutely under no circumstances should you miss this one! Here is the trailer:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see this -- had them feelings for both Luca and Alessandro (check out "Napoli Velata"/"Naples in Veils") for a while now