Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Who Wore It Best?

A happy 43rd and 45th respective birthdays


Anonymous said...

Did people get confused about who is who this time? This is one of the best pics of Channing I've ever seen (not a fan). How is Pablo leading?! He looks like some drunken redneck who stumbled out of his motel room to take a dip in the filthy pool – apparently that's hot to some people. Should've been a no-brainer.

Pierce said...

A hairy chest always wins out!

Jake said...

Pablo, One Gillion percent!!!!Sorry, but Channing is a bit to feminine for me, pass!!!🤢👎

Anonymous said...

I agree that the scarf is a bit much (femme), but everything else is no contest. To each his own, I guess.