Friday, December 09, 2022

Five Frames From ?

What movie is this?


Anonymous said...

The Natural?

Jason Adams said...

Nope not The Natural

Anonymous said...

Lost in Yonkers?

Jason Adams said...

LOST IN YONKERS is the movie -- good work, Anon!

NealB said...

Hey, you know what, Jason? When somebody guesses the answer to the Five Frames From posts you could add a little update thing at the bottom of the pictures on the main page telling who got it right first and what the movie was. Very helpful for those of us (me) that never have any idea from the five frames what movie it is but would like to see the answer easily after it's guessed right by a reader. I notice you do always reply in the comments to let the correct answer guesser know they got it right. (Too lazy to click on the comments, yes, but you get my drift.) E.G. It was nice to be reminded here about Simon's movie that I don't think I've ever seen but now I'd like to. Thank you for considering.....

NealB said...

(of course my idea wouldn't work for folks that still want to play the game even after someone guessed it right in the comments--so of course never mind)