Friday, December 16, 2022

Back on the Skinamarink Beat

I have talked about the upcoming horror flick Skinamarink several times now here at MNPP and also elsewhere, like on the corner with a sandwich board and a large clanging bell, and also popping my head into people's kitchen windows alongside their cooling blueberry pies. It's that good -- so good that I have willed myself into becoming an especially obnoxious character from The Andy Griffith Show! But mostly I have talked about it here, including sharing the trailer at this link and sharing one of director Kyle Edward Ball's short films right here and, most importantly, here is my review of the movie when I saw it at Fantasia Fest this summer and it scared me so bad I was leaking liquids every place.

That said I apparently haven't mentioned that the film has a release date now, at least here in NYC -- the Alamo has it slotted in for the weekend of January 13th, as does IFC Center. I very much want to experience this movie inside of a movie theater (I saw it at home on my TV) because it's very much all about lulling you into a hypnotic trance and I imagine the theatrical experience will be of assistance. If you do watch it at home when it hits Shudder later on please, I beg of you, do it proper and turn off all the lights and ignore your phone and don't take bathroom breaks and just give the movie your full attention. It will 100% reward the effort!

Anyway I missed one other thing I wanna share, which is this chat with Ball that popped up in Variety earlier this month -- the whole thing's worth a read but I'm most excited to hear what the director is working on next and they have a preview of intriguing possibilities contained therein:

"Next up for Ball? He’s currently kicking around two ideas that both sound like a logical extension of “Skinamarink”: One is a take on the Pied Piper legend, the other about three strangers who all see the same house in a dream. He plans to write this winter and maybe even start shooting by summer 2023, and is excited to explore more dark corners in a genre that allowed him to have a voice even without a massive budget."

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