Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Tropical Gosling Malady

You're all not going to be getting much out of me today, as I'm feeling sloppy-brained due to the combination of 1)  annual birthday-related ennui, 2) heat exhaustion, and 3) the fact that I'm heading out tomorrow morning for several days offline to visit family and friends and will be 3a) driving a car -- I hate driving a car so much it stresses me out all on its own. Point being my head's not in the game right now and the best I can really offer are these photos of Ryan Gosling looking sharp at some movie event thing for his film The Grey Man last night (via). I think I totally love this outfit? Either that or I have absolutely snapped -- either's possible!


Anonymous said...

Is it me or does he dress to the left?

Jason Adams said...

It is not you

Anonymous said...

He looks real good in this outfit! Not sure if I will like it in most other guys!