Oh here be a Hump Day treat -- a brand new photo-shoot of dreamboat Raúl Castillo thanks to Jon magazine! I say gimme, gimme, gimme. In related gimmes, a couple of weeks ago on his Insta Raúl posted a throwback bunch of set photos of himself with Jonathan Groff & Russell Tovey from that noted gay classic Looking, Andrew Haigh's HBO series that ran for two seasons in 2014-2015 and somehow managed to be both ahead of and behind its times...
Raúl Castillo posted a bunch of photos of himself and Jonathan Groff on the set of #Looking and man I miss this show! pic.twitter.com/dnKV8twx9W
— Jason Adams (@JAMNPP) March 12, 2022
... and Raúl got me really jonesing for a Looking re-watch in the process. (Or a third season, even -- dare to dream.) I assume the entire series is on HBOMax, right? I've also got the blu-ray set with the movie included, just in case (never trust digital only dammit) but one of these days I think that, much like Richie did to Patrick, I will again plow through all of that soon enough. Plow on through! And now let us plow on after the jump for these photos...
He's so damn amazing, I can't stand it.
I loved Looking, I own the bluray. Ended entirely too soon
It felt like the show wasn't given much of a shot. I rewatched it, and it's still good, but it was never a fully realized set of characters. Too much shoved into such a short time slot.
Love him!
He's so effortlessly hot. I loved Looking. It's all on HBO with the final movie kind of wrapping things up. Now I want to go watch it all again.
Once again-I just started a rewatch of this last week. As good as I remembered.
Sixpence, I own it all on bluray, I thought the movie was lousy, but only watched it once.
It was canceled because gay men will lift up every Real Housewife franchise but not anything gay.
This literally just made my day! Thank you!
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