Monday, January 24, 2022

Happy Monday, How You

Hello to you and you only! Checking in from the middle of my virtual Sundance Film Festival time off-blog to say hello and make sure this place doesn't slough off into the swamp. If you follow me on Twitter than you've seen some links to reviews that have gone up over the past few days, both from Sundance and not -- I'm not going to round them up right this minute because I'll do that on Friday, when I should be totally done with the fest and can do that properly, but you should know they are out there, in the world! Actually mainly right here at The Film Experience and right here at Pajiba. Those links will be helpful for the time being, and more helpful as more time, uhhh, be's. For just, just a hello! Don't forget about me please!

1 comment:

dre said...

Can he jump into my pocket and stay there? But like...forever?