Two things that have been very important to my life are celebrating their birthdays today -- firstly the actor Dominic Cooper is turning 43, and if you haven't kept up with our long love affair then I recommend you click through our Dom archives. (For one there's more of the above 2008 photo-shoot, one of my faves, here and here.) If you were to ask me "The Moment I Fell For... Dominic Cooper" (which is a real series here on the site, although I haven't done one in a bit) I'd tell you it was the scene where he comes on to his teacher in The History Boys...
... and I wouldn't be lying! But equal weight would have to be given to the deleted Mamma Mia scene where we first learned of the junk Dom was carrying in his trunk -- an epochal moment in human existence, that.
(Then he wore that speedo in The Devil's Double and forget about it.) Anyway checking to see what Domi is up to right now -- it's been kind of quiet since Preacher, my beloved Preacher, ended -- he's doing a UK miniseries called That Dirty Black Bag (which is described as "A steampunk spaghetti Western series" on IMDb) that co-stars his fellow Brit-boys Douglas Booth and Christian Cooke...
... and yes I will surely have people commenting here that they cannot tell these three white boys apart, and that's fine. I get it. I can but that's my job, to mentally rolodex such stuffs. On that note we come to the other thing celebrating a birthday today, which is My New Plaid Pants itself! HAPPY 16 TO MNPP!!!
I started this here website on June 2nd 2005 on a whim of boredom, and I took that whim and I stretched it out for sixteen ridiculous years of nonsense. We just passed 30,000 posts recently? Truly, mind-bogglingly insane, that. Anyway before I send myself off to the Glue Factory I'll do what's become an annual tradition of sorts here at the site for our anniversary -- I'll ask for money! I try not to do this too much (although there's always a PayPal donation button over there in the right-hand column) but our anniversary feels like the correct place for a wee bit of coin begging. If you've enjoyed MNPP at all why not throw us a dime or two? I make basically no money off of this site and all my hard work -- haha forget about the pennies per year the "ads" bring me. Today's as good a day for supporting a writer you like as any, says me, your favorite beefcake pauper. You can donate right here. Thanks, y'all!
Happy happy birthday to MNPP!! Much love to you!!!
Happy 16, thanks for all the enjoyment you give and info about movies Jason. That is a really nice ass.
paypal has locked me out, even after I reset my password. Why can't you have a normal Venmo account or if it has to be Paypal, a donate page where I don't have to log in to paypal to donate? asking for a friend :)
LOL Paul I am actually on Venmo, my name is there "Jason-Adams-69" (and no I did not choose the "69" myself, they gave that to me on their own, the scamps) -- thanks for commenting and suggesting another path :)
And to everyone who's donated THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUU
Well, Happy Birthday, MNPP. You know I love you.
First noticed Dom in Mamma Mia, instant fan.
Maybe I missed it, but do you have any merch? I'd buy a MNPP T-shirt in a heart beat.
Fun fact-there's a trans guy who does porn that's the spittin' image of Douglas Booth.
Oh, and-Suspender alert, Streets of Fire is finally streaming on Netflix. I wore out the soundtrack to that on cassette when I was a wee boy. It's a blast, completely batshit.
Wow!! 16 years? Congrats to MNPP. Been a daily visitor since 2009, I think. Thanks for many years of movie musings and smut.
Happy anniversary!
Also, WHAT is happening in that Mamma Mia scene?
Also, just came back to say I donated!
And also, I don't know if you watch Special on Netflix but a) it's good and b) in the first episode of season 2, we see hunky gay (and out) actor Charlie Barnett not only shirtless, but the camera basically goes as low as possible before showing actual pubes. And not for a second either. It lingers for quite a while.
Happy anniversary!!!!
OK, I'm back YET AGAIN because I just watched s2e2 of Special and Barnett is all kinds of naked yet again. You're welcome. ;)
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