Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Darren Barnet Four Times

I know and y'all know and I know y'all know that there's too much content in the world and there's no possible way to keep track of it, even for a nose-to-grind pop-nerd like me, and so when I tell you that I have literally never heard of Netflix's comedy series Never Have I Ever, which is apparently about to drop a second season, I feel as if you'll forgive me. And until just now when Interview Magazine shared this photoshoot (there's also an interview) of the show's leading man Darren Barnet I'd never heard of him either. But I have now taken note. His name and visage (cross-referenced with "good hair" and "great eye color") has been scribbled down in the databank, I promise you. Hit the jump for the rest... 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never Have I Ever is actually very charming! It’s a bit corny in that way that high school shows can be but it’s also super cute and well acted.