Friday, April 23, 2021

Five Frames From ?

What movie is this?


Rolando said...

Is it stakeout?

Jason Adams said...

Nope not Stakeout

Anonymous said...

China Moon? (Which I've never seen, but I like to think that's Madeleine Stowe and Ed Harris.)

Joe K said...

Blood Simple?

Jason Adams said...

CHINA MOON is correct! Good guess, Anon.

And yeah I figured the only way anybody might get it is to recognize those two actors since that movie is hella forgotten :)

Pierce said...

Hey, Jason. It's rare that I get excited about movies anymore. However, this morning I saw a vlog on who will win the Oscars this year, and one movie stood out from the rest of the footage shown, and that was My Octopus Teacher. I am watching it now and I'm blown away. It's cinematic poetry. Not since Planet Earth have I seen such exceptional footage and this movie must be honored.

If you haven't seen it, it's a must. Steve

Anonymous said...


FoxVerde said...

pierce i love my octopus teacher !! what a wonderful film.