Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Major Majors

Huzzah, another excuse to post a Jonathan Majors picture, and I don't believe I have posted that one before (click it to embiggen) -- yesterday came news that JM's going to star in a Marine movie! Well a post-Marine movie anyway, about the lasting effects of PTSD, but I can't imagine there won't be flashbacks involving him in uniform, and that's what matters. The movie will be called 892 -- does anybody have an inkling what that number refers to, besides "the number of photos of Jonathan Majors I have posted before, probably"? -- and is coming from relative newcomer director Abi Damaris Corbin. It will film this summer. Hey guys if you need like a place to film for free you can film in my living-room, I got nothing else going on. I will also allow Jonathan to sleep in my bed. I am just that good a person.

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