How nice of Liam Hemsworth, to supply us with some BEEFCAKE for lunch today. These snaps of him and his girlfriend (although given my editing you'll be hard-pressed to find much of her) and their doggies were snapped at the usual Byron Bay down Aussie way yesterday (via) -- if I ever go to Australia you better believe I'm hitting that stretch of beach and just swallowing handfuls of the sand the Hemsworth boys have sweat so much upon. Hit the jump for dozens more for your lunch-time entertainment...
And here's a bonus recent snap of the Bros Hem:
Which is the best Hemsworth? Do we have to choose? Liam may edge it for me.
Liam is by far the hottest Hemsworth.
Liam is my choice too, but let's be real, we're talking about two gods here, and Chris could have his way with any part of me he chooses
It's good to see that even sex gods like Liam have slightly more "normal" bodies when not getting shredded for a role.
Hahahahhaha yeah looks super NORMAL...........
God I could get lost in those pits
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