Thursday, September 17, 2020

You Are In the Music...

As promised -- or more appropriately said, threatened -- earlier, I did indeed go and write up my elaborate thoughts on director Steve McQueen's NYFF opening night film Lovers Rock this very afternoon, and you'll find them over at The Film Experience. As you will with all of my reviews for NYFF again this year! 

Anyway I didn't mention it in my review because why would I but this whole Virtual Screening process -- me watching these movies at home instead of in the much missed comfort of the theater called Walter Reade here in Manhattan, where press screenings for NYFF normally take place -- has already claimed its first victim, and that victim is my relationship with my next door neighbor, who was real chagrined last night at how loud the reggae-heavy soundtrack for Lovers Rock was. Sorry, neighbor! Cinema is happening! (And it freaked him out.)

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