I wished Michael Fassbender -- more specifically Michael Fassbender's Michael Fassbender in the movie Shame -- a happy birthday yesterday, but I just as easily could've gone with wishing Christopher Meloni a happy birthday since my love for these two actors is pretty well even... so let's wish Meloni a happy belated day today with some gifs from his Netflix show Happy that I've never gotten around to before.
You know I say I love Meloni, but I never actually watched Happy? I suppose I should get on that, even though I know it was cancelled and now he's headed back to the Law and Order umbrella with a spin-off about his Detective Stabler character. If Meloni's gonna do spin-offs I wish he'd do one about his Oz character most of all -- yes I know that delicious gay freak Keller croaked (sorry y'all spoilers have a twenty-year expiration date) but that's what writers are for. Imagination! Hit the jump for more Happy making gifs...
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