Monday, February 24, 2020

Putting the Man in the Invisible

Take in Oliver Jackson-Cohen while you can still see him, since I'm guessing those moments will be few and too far between in his new movie The Invisible Man with Elisabeth Moss, out this weekend. (Watch the trailer here.) I've heard good things! I haven't seen it yet but I am hoping to tomorrow, so stay tuned -- I will surely have things to say about the horror movie starring the actress who gave my favorite performance last year and directed by the director of my 17th favorite movie of 2018. This morning, though...

... this morning I'm taking us back real old-school. Over at The Film Experience this week's "Great Moments in Horror Actressing" post is giving some love to the great character actress Una O'Connor, who did her thing in James Whale's 1933 version of The Invisible Man with Claude Rains. We love her! You should love her too!

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