Friday, January 24, 2020

Ask & Jake Ye Shall Receive

I heard a sudden cry in the Jake Force yesterday afternoon and realized I hadn't checked in on My man in awhile ("awhile" in me terms probably means two week, by the way) but when I went to look there was nothing, no news. I thought to myself, "Oh Jake where have you gone to? Are you hiding under my bed waiting for me to get home?" But then, I swear to you not even half an hour later, Jake appeared. No, he wasn't under my bed, sigh. He was with another homosexual -- how he taunts me. He was singing a pretty song with Rufus Wainwright on stage.
I used to listen to Rufus religiously a long time ago but it's been awhile, so I thought it was weird when I briefly about a month ago considered getting tickets to see him at Lincoln Center this week. Why don't I listen to my alarm bells? My tingly Jake sense KNOWS. Alas I wasn't there and then Jake stepped in to cover for somebody who had to cancel. Crawled right out from under my bed to do it too, I bet. Dammit! (via)

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