Thursday, October 03, 2019

Show Me Your Uncut & I'll Show You Mine

Good evening and salutations et cetera, I have got a heads-up for y'all and why not do it with an extra handsome Edgar Ramirez selfie -- the next twenty-four hours are especially stuffed ones with three big movies on my plate, and so I probably won't be posting. Which three big movies, you ask? Well first off fuck you for not having your first thought be, "Oh no, no MNPP tomorrow!" But I'll answer your question, you ungrateful scamps. 

The three movies, all screening for NYFF, are Uncut Gems from the Safdies, Marriage Story from Noah Baumbach, and Wasp Network from Olivier Assayas... the latter of which stars (drumroll please and thanks) Edgar Ramirez. See how I brought that all around? Fuckin' magical.

Anyway see? Big movies. I ain't bullshit. Follow me on Twitter for updates or even better follow me on Instagram -- the latter's "even better" because there will be famous people at all three of the screenings I'm attending and I will no doubt be snapping photos of the famous people. We all love to stare at Famous People dammit!


David said...

Gott im Himmel! Edgar is making my mouth water. ❤️👅🍆

Ana Maria said...

He looks HOT

Velvet said...

I think I just found my favorite blog.