Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bad Boys Go To Hell

On the one hand it's kinda horrible that I missed the news a full two weeks back that our up-and-coming fave Nicholas Galitzine -- check out our previous posts on him here -- got cast in the forthcoming remake of The Craft. Granted I was mid-NYFF at that point so "remakes of The Craft" weren't exactly my priority... but Nicholas Galitzine should always be a priority. 

I only saw his name when I saw this week's news that David Duchovny will be in it, too. No idea who these boys will be playing -- I suppose there were boys in the original? (Oh right Skeet Ulrich was one right?) Anyway as I started this post off with on the one hand this delay on my part is horrible, but on the other hand I have an excuse to post a bunch of Nick pics now! Hit the jump for 'em...

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