Tuesday, October 22, 2019

13 Cakes of Halloween #4


When John Waters had a great big retrospective here in NYC a couple of years ago at Film at Lincoln Center they let him program some movies, and naturally one of those movies was the 1983 Peter Weller creature feature Of Unknown Origin, which has Robocop himself facing down a relentless rat tormenting him in his fancy NYC apartment. 

A rat popping out of a birthday cake is quite possibly the Greatest Joke Ever Told About New York -- it's like New York Hero The Pizza Rat had to go and get a job as a stripper on the weekends in order to pay his exorbitant rent. And I'm obsessed with the endless montage of reaction shots in this sequence -- every kid at the party gets their moment!

Damn straight, little girl. This movie's kind of tough to see -- Scream Factory put out a blu-ray a couple of years ago but it's not streaming anywhere online I don't think and clips are even hard to come by. Not sure if YouTube will leave this up or if it will violate something but for now I'll post the clips of this scene here for your enjoyment:
Click here for all the Cakes of Halloween!

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