Monday, August 05, 2019

Quote of the Day

“One way to look at the world is, ‘If I turn away from all the suffering, it doesn’t exist. The other way is to look at it boldly in the face, and let it into your head, and see how it feels, and be motivated to be a more loving, compassionate person.”

That is Babadook director Jennifer Kent in an interview with The New York Times about her new film The Nightingale, specifically about the sexual violence her film depicts, and which's gotten a lot of people very riled up. When I saw Kent speak at a Q&A alongside the film last week she basically said getting riled up by what she's depicting is a good thing -- clearly we should be riled up. If you missed my review of The Nightingale you can read it right here -- this is one of the year's most important movies and I really recommend it, if you think you can handle it. Anyway here's a wee bit of video that I took at that Q&A:

1 comment:

Mirko said...

Such an important film with a clear message against misogyny and violence. Kent is a cleaver and sensitive director