Monday, June 03, 2019

Timothy Olyphant Six Times

I wished Timothy a happy birthday a couple of weeks back and said I intended to watch Deadwood for the first time shortly -- well I haven't gotten around to it yet. I got all caught up in the trashy spectacle of Renée Zellweger's show What/If on Netflix (god it's trash but I couldn't stop watching it -- I needed a new Revenge in my life clearly) and now I'm one episode into Chernobyl and one thousand percent hooked on that unholy terror...

So Deadwood's on hold for the moment. But I'm aware the Deadwood movie aired, so if y'all want to tell me whether the movie did the show good service, do so in the comments. These pictures here go along with a big ol' chat with Tim in the new issue of GQ, read that here, and then hit the jump for the rest of the photos...


Chip Chandler said...

I adored the "Deadwood" movie. Brilliantly emotional but never overly sentimental, it touched on just about everything I needed to, but it didn't feel like fan service.

Aquinas1220 said...

I was a huge fan of Deadwood and found the movie to be... just okay. Characters are thrown on-screen with no real narrative purpose other than to just show us that a decade later they're still in Deadwood. It helps wrap up some loose ends when the show was dropped, but otherwise, the movie had me wishing they'd just re-boot the show