"Gina is like the coolest person to ever do a love scene with. She was playful. I would be like, 'Can you put your hand here so my cellulite doesn’t show? Can you prop my breast to make it look a little more plump?'"
This week's issue of Entertainment Weekly is all about Gay Pride Month -- they've got a bunch of gay celebrities on variant covers including Wilson Cruz (My So Called Life forever!) and Anderson Cooper. But best of all this led to a Bound reunion between Gina Gershon and Jennifer Tilly! The magazine gets quotes from the actresses as they re-watch the Wachowskis classic lesbo-noir for the first time in years, and they give all kinds of juicy tidbits -- I honestly could've gone with a dozen different quotes (Gina mentions Showgirls!) but Jennifer Tilly talking about her boobs in Bound is never not the right choice. Speaking of the photoshoot along with the article is amazing...
Reader, I died pic.twitter.com/xUirfydVpq— Jason Adams (@JAMNPP) June 6, 2019
Bound!!! Best. Movie. Ever!
Oh my god, that picture of them is literally the best thing I've ever seen! Love them both so much.
I also just read that Gershon is gonna be the lead of the next Woody Allen movie and I just appreciated the pure Gina-Gershon-ness of not giving any fucks whether that is complete carreer suicide!
I love this film. As I understand it the two were originally cast in the opposite roles, with Gershon playing Violet and Tilly playing Corky. During early rehearsal they switched.
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