Compared to the pure gratuitous spectacle of naked Nicholas Clay's outdoor showering in the 1981 movie version of Lady Chatterly's Lover -- something so gratuitous I have yet to do the post because the amount of work it presents, in order to it justice, is staggering (although you can see some of Clay right here) -- this here comparative scene in the 2015 version with Richard Madden is an extreme come-down. And yet...
... for Dick's 33rd birthday today, until we get some of the footage from Rocketman -- or perhaps some of his home movies with Brandon Flynn present themselves, even better -- this will do. I mean it will have to do, because once you peruse our archives you'll see we've already posted pretty much everything else he's done, gratuity-wise. I do love a good old-timey suspender though, so we'll make due. Hit the jump for the rest...
1 comment:
Wait, is this supposed to be the same scene as in the original movie where she ogles him naked? And now he has on PANTS? What prudes we've all become (well, a lot of us, anyway).
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