Thursday, May 30, 2019

Which is Hotter?

I have been criminally negligent is paying enough attention to Ma, the Octavia Spencer led psycho-lady horror flick out in theaters tomorrow -- I posted the trailer back in February when it first dropped but I've stopped looking at everything having to do with it until now, since the trailer, as fun as it is, gives away far too much and I wanted to save some surprises for myself. So my thanks to Bello magazine for reaching right through my self-imposed content vacuum and catching me where it counts -- cute boys! 

bike trail guide

This month Bello features photo-shoots slash chats with two of the movie's teenage fellas -- click here for their Gianni Paolo article, and click here for their chat with Corey Fogelmanis. Hope you gave your casting folks a thumbs up, openly gay director Tate Taylor. If you need more information before voting in that poll hit the jump for their entire photoshoots, starting with Gianni Paolo...

... and then Corey Fogelmanis...

1 comment:

Brandon said...

Gianni, by far. Corey doesn’t really do much for me, though is technically cute. Gianni’s incredibly ripe lower lip alone gives him the edge.