Thursday, May 02, 2019

Joel Kinnaman Seventeen Times

If I were ever to do a ranking of current day actors by their BDE (look it up, kids) I have a feeling Joel Kinnaman would place very very high on my list. And if someone doubted me I would now be able to just point right to this new photo-shoot that he's done for L'Uomo Vogue (via, thx Mac) and say all I needed to say in a second's space. He's oozing big dick all over the damn place. Hit the jump to surf the ooze (that is the most Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shit I have ever typed in my entire life)...


Anonymous said...

yah.. fer sure.. from Sweden!

Anonymous said...

Jason, you have BDE!

Anonymous said...

Joel is gorgeous. Dangerous hot.