Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A Happy Ending For The Gay Footman

I stopped watching Downton Abbey somewhere in the fourth season -- it just all felt redundant by that point, like the same soapy things kept happening over and over, and if they weren't gonna hook Robert James-Collier's closeted gay footman Thomas up with somebody (after teasing me with Charlie Cox kisses at that!) I could only take so much straight nonsense. But now the trailer for the Downton movie has arrived and not only is there gay kissing...

... but there's gay dancing...

... and gay cavorting! My goodness! The morals art loosed! I mean what would the Dowager Countess say? I imagine there'd be huffing, and perhaps a fainting couch would be summoned. I'm not sure where Thomas' story led after the fourth season -- anybody want to update me? Anyway these gifs are actually from two separate trailers though -- the one with the dancing is at this link, and the second one, the one with the kissing, I will share below:

The Downton Abbey movie is out on September 20th.

1 comment:

Pierce said...

I am so excited. I plan to be there on the first day, September 20!